Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Evaluation of Opening Sequence

Our AS opening sequence was a romantic comedy based around two protagonists waking up. There are many things that worked well in our production however, there are also many things that I would change if we came to doing it again.

I think one thing that worked well was our location. We took a lot of time into making sure our location reflected the themes of the opening and tried to include as many connotations of a rom com as we could. For example we made the girls room reflect her as being a creative, tidy, girly character and the boy was portrayed as a slightly messier, musical protagonist. We also chose a rural setting which we felt had a more romantic feel than a big, busy city. Although most of our location were successful there were a few things we could have improved (Lily walking out of a public toilet and their places of work could have been slightly closer together).

Another thing that went well was our soundtrack and voice over. I think they helped to convey our ideas and the voice over also helped to introduce our protagonists and the story lines. Although our soundtrack and voice overs contributed to our production in a positive way I think we could have added some Foley sound to improve it further.
I think the main thing that we could have improved is our framing and camera shots/angles. There are a few scenes where we have either cut characters heads off or given them too much head space. This distracts the audience from the significance of the shots. Also, on our final scene where the two protagonists walk past each other Lily and Joe aren't walking at the bottom of the frame and the store names are slightly cut off, by lining up the shot more precisely it would have improved the scene. Also, we didn't use a wide variety of camera angles and shots.

Also the continuity within our production could have been better. In the scene where Lily is walking down the stairs her hair is tied up, in the rest of the opening it is down. Also, there is no car when Joe first crosses the road and when shot from a different angle a car has suddenly appeared.

Finally, some scenes in our opneing had different colour saturations than others. For example the scene where Lily is coming down the stairs and putting her shoes on has an orangey 'wash' over it where as the outside scenes and other waking up scenece have more natural colouring. This meant that our editing wans't invisible, it was obvious that we had adjusted the colouring on certain scenes.

For a more in depth evaluation please visit my AS blog

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