Thursday, 30 January 2014

Cast and Location


My music video is based around 3 main characters (a daughter, her dad, and his mum) however, it shows different stages of the three character's lives and therefore, I have had to use a range of cast members for my music video.

For my mum I am using Ellie Bunce, she is a high grade, a level, drama student with much experience in acting. She is also an a level media student, this will be helpful when filming as she will understand the pressure of creating your own production and therefore cooperate well.

For the young son I will be using a doll, I decided this would be the best option as it may be hard to keep retaking shots with a very young baby without upsetting him.

The young toddler will be played by Daniel Hutson, a 3 year old, who like Ellie has blonde hair and blue eyes, therefore making the relationship aesthetically believable. I will also be using Daniel for the older school child, I will make him look older by changing his costume and shooting in such a way that you can't see his feature in detail.

I haven't yet decided who I will use for the adult boy, I will most likely chose once I've started the rough edit so it's clear what sort of character I am looking for.

The young daughter (child of the grown up son) will also be played by Daniel Hutson however his costume and once again the filming, will allude that he is a girl.


I will be using my own bedroom as the setting for the small baby's bedroom as it is white and therefore will have very pure connotations

Daniel's bedroom will be used for the shot of the toddler as it already has the right aesthetics for a child of his age

Woodstock CofE primary school will be used for the school shots

A local park, church will be used for the other shots

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