Thursday, 13 March 2014

Reaserchning Existing Websites

For my ancillary text I have decided to do a website for my artist as one of my tasks. In order to get a template of the structure and personality of my website I have looked into existing products. Websites I have looked into are Birdy's, Lily Allen's and Passenger's. I haven't yet looked at Ellie Goulding as I didn't want to get influenced by her website and be tempted to copy some aspect; I'm ensuring my website will be all of my own, original ideas. I may look at her website at a later date to help me get information about her career and current life however, I will ensure all my deign elements of my website are complete first.

Things I liked:

-Hyperlinks to the artist social networking site and advertisement areas (sound cloud, Twitter, YouTube channels)
- Navigation bars that include extra bits about the artists life (merchandise store, videos, discography)
- A 'News' section keeping their fans and readers up-to-date with their lives
- Links to the artists new releases and music videos - encouraging downloads (typically off iTunes) and keeping fans current
- 'Subscribe' links allowing fans to get further in sites if they wish
- A quirky and personalised aesthetic to the web page to ensure the site is special to the artist and creates an appropriate feel (often linked to the newly released album cover from the artist)

Birdy -
Lily Allen -
Passenger -

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