Saturday, 16 November 2013

Changing my idea

After some thought I have decided to change my initial production idea. I have been considering this for a while and during Friday's lesson I made a final decision. I will still be doing the music video brief however. I have changed the theme song and story line of the music video but, I have not yet finalised my new idea.

Reasons for changing my initial idea: 

  • I thought my first idea about someone perusing love and then succeeding was too cliche and predictable
  • I felt the idea was maybe a bit hard to follow and that the audience may not understand the significance of shadows and empty seat e.t.c. (Signifying that he is looking for someone/missing someone) 
  • I didn't think my song choice linked to my story line strongly enough. The lyrics of 'Clouds' are slightly hard to interpret and slightly contradict themselves.
  • Finally, I decided I wanted to explore a completely different genre of media (my AS production was the opening sequence of a rom com and this too was a romance/love based story). This year I want to explore a controversial and slightly more 'gritty' side of media. 

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